Central Pennsylvania Hunger Facts

More Hunger Facts

  • 1 in 7 individuals struggle with hunger in central Pennsylvania.
  • 1 in 5 households with children struggle with food hardship in Pennsylvania.
  • 5% of central Pennsylvania is food insecure; meaning their access to enough food is limited by a lack of money and other resources.
  • Increases in the price of heating oil, gasoline and rents have resulted in record numbers of individuals and families seeking food assistance during the last year.
  • 5% of central Pennsylvania’s population live in households with food insecurity and are at risk for hunger.
  • 21% of Pennsylvania children live in poverty.

Children who experience hunger and food insecurity are more likely to:
All individuals who experience hunger and food insecurity are more likely to:
  • Require special education
  • Miss days of school
  • Repeat a grade
  • Be suspended from school
  • Suffer health issues
  • Live in poor overall health
  • Develop chronic illnesses
  • Suffer from depression
  • Experience psychosocial dysfunction

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