Typical contents of a USDA senior box.

To participate in the Senior Box Program, you must register in advance. Registration will take place every Tuesday from 3:30pm to 6pm at 130 S. Penn St. A limited number of boxes are provided. If you are eligible and approved for a CSFP box, you will be placed on a waiting list.

Typical contents of a USDA senior box.

To register, you must bring

  • Verification of ID, Age, and Address. (This can be accomplished by using a Driver’s License, Passport, Government Issued Photo ID, etc.)
  • Verification of Household Income – This is the TOTAL gross income of all members of your household. (This Amount can be verified with a W-2, Previous year’s tax return, Social Security Award Letter, etc.)

*If you do not have the above with you, you cannot be registered for the program.

Once registered, you will have the opportunity to give a name for a proxy (or proxies) to pick up your food packages for you. To do this, you will need to sign a proxy form in person and provide the name and address of each proxy. When picking up Senior Boxes, proxies must also sign the form.

For more information on CSFP, contact the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank.

Phone: (717)-564-1700

The CSFP is an Equal Opportunity Provider

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